Mercedes-Benz'i varuosad. Et teie Mercedes-Benz jääks ikka ehtsaks Mercedes-Benz'iks.

Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts. Osa teie edust.

Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts pakub tippkvaliteeti, tõestatud turvalisust ja kõrgel tasemel usaldusväärsust.

Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts kehastab kogu meie oskusteavet autotootjana: varuosad on spetsiaalselt loodud ja põhjalikult testitud just Mercedes-Benz'i sõidukitele ja nende komponentidele. Lõpeks koosneb ju iga kaubik tuhandetest Mercedes-Benz'i originaalvaruosadest, mis on häälestatud üksteisega täpselt koostoimima. See tähendab, et garanteeritakse kõigi sõidukikomponentide optimaalne koostöö.

Ulatuslikes reaaltingimustes läbiviidud testides tuli originaalvaruosadel oma töökindlus ja kvaliteet proovile panna – puhuti ka äärmuslikes oludes. Varuosad lubatakse turule üknses siis, kui täidetud on Mercedes-Benz'i ranged nõuded.
Viis põhjust, miks on ökonoomsem kasutada Mercedes-Benz'i originaalvaruosi Genuine Remanufactured Parts:

  • Säästlikud varuosakulud
  • Garanteeritud Mercedes-Benz'i kvaliteet
  • Usaldatav saadavus
  • Energiatõhus ja loodussõbralik tootmisprotsess
  • 2-aastane ReMan-varuosade garantii, kui need paigaldatakse MB ametlikus töökojas

Miks peaksite valima vaid hinna või kvaliteedi, kui saaks mõlemad?

Ilmselt eeldate et Mercedes-Benz, isegi kui sel on suur läbisõit, toimiks endiselt majanduslikus mõttes efektiivsel moel – jäädes samas ehtsaks.

Just sellest põhimõttest ongi kannustatud Mercedes-Benz'i originaalvaruosad Genuine Remanufactured Parts: varuosad, mis vähendavad kulusid, aga ei ohverda Mercedes-Benz'i tuntud kvaliteeti. Iga osa on taastatud, kontrollitud ja testitud kooskõlas Mercedes-Benz'i kvaliteedistandarditega, unustamata seejuures ressursisäästlikku ja efektiivset tootmisprotsessi. Tulemuseks on lai valik mõistliku hinnaga originaalvaruosi Genuine Remanufactured Parts, mille valik suureneb pidevalt.

Lisaks tagab meie Mercedes-Benz'i diilerite võrgustik osade kohapealse kiire saadavuse. Mercedes-Benz'i originaalvaruosad  Genuine Remanufactured Parts säästavad taastusprotsessi käigus hinnalisi toormaterjale ja energiat – selle kulusäästu saame hinnaeelisena otse oma klientidele edasi kanda.

Suurepärane kvaliteet otse tootjalt.
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GenuineParts v. Non-genuine parts Deceptively realistic.
At first sight, genuine and pirate spare parts very often look virtually identical. Thus a fake spare part can sometimes hardly be told apart from a Mercedes-Benz GenuinePart – and yet it can be extremely dangerous. Because what distinguishes them may have serious consequences for your safety. This is clearly evidenced through the exhaustive product testing that Daimler regularly carries out on different fake products. The results are shocking. Which is why a Mercedes-Benz team operating worldwide takes action against product pirates and tracks down imitations.


Elektrooniline varuosade tellimissüsteem võimaldab Teil vaadata Veho AS poolt pakutavate varuosade saadavust ja hinda ning esitada oma varuosatellimus mugavalt ning turvaliselt interneti vahendusel, makstes tellimuse eest koheselt e-pangas. Lepingulistel klientidel palume kasutada parooliga kaitstud keskkonda. Kasutajatel, kellel ligipääs kaitstud süsteemi puudub, saavad kasutada avalikku keskkonda.

Varuosade tellimissüsteem

    Mercedes-Benz Genuine Brakes: short braking distances. Long service life. If the worst should come to the worst, it is essential to come to a standstill quickly: Mercedes-Benz Genuine brake systems are optimally tuned to each other and to the safety systems in your vehicle such as ABS or ESP. They were specially developed for your vehicle. This ensures strong braking power and a short braking distance – without a long engagement phase and even with an extreme load. In addition high-quality materials result in low wear and corrosion prevention. That pays off for you – with low costs and a high level of safety. Button
    Mercedes-Benz Genuine air filters: clean air for impeccable engine performance. Clean air enables your engine to work particularly effectively and frugally: Mercedes-Benz Genuine air filters combine a powerful filtering effect with high air permeability. This means dirt and dust have no chance of reaching the combustion chamber. And your engine can impress you with powerful performance and low fuel consumption. The high absorption capacity of the air filter also makes longer maintenance intervals possible. This protects your wallet and the environment. Button
    Mercedes-Benz Genuine oil filters: the bodyguard for your engine. Mercedes-Benz Genuine oil filters have a large filtration capacity for ensuring that impurities are reliably filtered out of the oil circuit. This prevents severe damage to your van's injection system and engine. The high quality ensures a long service life of the filter. As a result your engine will always deliver optimal performance – which pays off for you with low fuel consumption. Button
    Mercedes-Benz Genuine bumpers: optimum dimensional accuracy for optimum protection. Get over and forget an accident quickly: Mercedes-Benz Genuine bumpers will impress you with their optimum dimensional accuracy. The Mercedes-Benz Genuine bumper is an essential part of your van during a front collision and protects engines, drivers and pedestrians. The front Mercedes-Benz Genuine bumper is completely designed for maximum safety, aerodynamics and efficiency and was specially developed for protecting the components in the front area. Button
    Mercedes-Benz Genuine shock absorbers: safe ride comfort even on poor roads. Enjoy top-level comfort and safety even on bad roads: Mercedes-Benz Genuine shock absorbers are made from strong, high-quality materials and can handle and absorb the hardest blows. As a result you benefit from their durability and you stay on track. You also avoid potential knock-on costs for tyres and the suspension - as the shock absorbers are perfectly aligned to them and to your van. Just as they are for working seamlessly with the safety systems in your vehicle. Button
    Uniquely formulated Premium Genuine engine oil. Mercedes-Benz Genuine engine oil was developed specially by our experts,who also built your engine. With it you are choosing an oil that unites innovative power and the long-term experience of our scientists and engineers.

    Mercedes-Benz Genuine engine oil is made of particularly powerful components and additives and even exceeds standard quality requirements. Our oil ensures that the engine of your Mercedes-Benz van can work reliably.

    Check your oil level regularly and make sure that you always keep a sufficient supply of Mercedes-Benz Genuine engine oil in your car boot for topping up. Mercedes-Benz Genuine engine oil is available from your Mercedes-Benz service partner.
    Two in one: wheel and tyre assemblies from Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz Genuine wheel and tyre assemblies are made up of the combination of Mercedes-Benz Genuine wheels as well as matching tyres. With wheel and tyre assemblies that are precisely tuned to your van's dynamism and drive system you benefit from a high degree of safety, reliability, durability and ride comfort.

    You concentrate on the demands of your job. We make sure that your van runs on the right wheel and tyre assemblies.
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    Our parts portfolio The right part for every Mercedes-Benz. Whether you need a replacement part for an older Mercedes model or the appropriate service part for a new vehicle, the comprehensive portfolio of parts from Mercedes-Benz has a custom-fit option for every vehicle and every budget. Of course, with all of our parts lines, you can be sure that each part meets our stringent specifications.
    Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts Would you like to use only certified new parts in your Mercedes-Benz when it comes to maintenance or the replacement of wear parts? Then we recommend that you use genuine Mercedes-Benz parts. They combine all the know-how of Mercedes-Benz as a vehicle manufacturer, are specially developed for your vehicle and optimally adapted to the other components of your vehicle.

    Your advantages at a glance:
    - Excellent quality, precision and durability
    - Tested and inspected in accordance with strict Mercedes-Benz specifications for high safety and reliability
    - Specially developed for the respective vehicle
    - Worldwide, rapid availability

    For further information on Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts, please contact your local Mercedes-Benz Service Partner.
    Mercedes-Benz Genuine Remanufactured Parts The Mercedes-Benz Genuine Remanufactured Parts range offers a wide choice of replacement parts for all the most popular classes of vehicle - from the starter motor and steering through to the engine and electric drive systems. Each part goes through a meticulous process of remanufacturing, inspection and testing in accordance with stringent Mercedes-Benz standards. The outcome is Genuine Remanufactured Parts at a beneficial price, with the quality of a new part.

    Your advantages at a glance:
    - Quality of a new part in accordance with Mercedes-Benz quality standards
    - Attractive price-performance ratio thanks to remanufacturing
    - Genuine parts warranty of 24 months
    - Reliable availability and short replacement times
    - Sustainable thanks to savings of resources, energy and CO2 emissions

    You can obtain genuine Mercedes-Benz replacement parts from your local Mercedes-Benz service partner.
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    GenuineParts v. Non-genuine parts Seemingly genuine: look out for counterfeit parts. Your Mercedes-Benz service partner protects you from counterfeit products. Because unfortunately, where it says Mercedes-Benz on the outside, it doesn't always say Mercedes-Benz on the inside. Counterfeiters are increasingly specialising in copying vehicle replacement parts. In the process, safety-relevant parts such as brake discs and pads, windscreen wipers, windscreens, chassis parts or filters are increasingly being copied. Counterfeit parts often seem deceptively genuine, to the point that not even experts can easily identify them at first glance.